What would it mean for our union, the Kent State United Faculty Association (KSUFA), to disaffiliate from AAUP? 

Wouldn't disaffiliating from AAUP mean dissolving our union and losing the protections of our contract?

Would disaffiliating weaken KSUFA’s position at the negotiating table?

What circumstances prompted KSUFA’s discussion concerning disaffiliation from AAUP?

It seems like the worst possible time to be considering disaffiliation from AAUP; why is KSUFA doing so now?

What do we get from our affiliation with AAUP?

What are the downsides to KSUFA of remaining affiliated with AAUP and becoming compliant with our affiliation dues?

What are the benefits to KSUFA of disaffiliating from AAUP?

What are some of the potential downsides to KSUFA of disaffiliating from AAUP?

How much would it cost KSUFA to get back into compliance with our AAUP affiliation dues?

How would the decision about whether or not to remain affiliated with AAUP affect the KSUFA union dues paid by individual faculty?

Isn’t there some compromise KSUFA could reach with AAUP concerning our affiliation dues?

Would remaining affiliated with AAUP provide KSUFA with protections against anti-union bills potentially coming out of the Statehouse in Columbus?

Would disaffiliating from AAUP cut us off from participating in collective action with members of the larger union movement?

Are there other faculty unions that are completely unaffiliated with any state or national organizations?