The Kent State United Faculty Association (KSUFA) serves as the collective bargaining agent for all full-time faculty at Kent State University. First established in 1978, KSUFA is one of the oldest faculty unions in Ohio and pre-dates the law providing collective bargaining rights to full-time faculty at Ohio’s public institutions of higher education.
KSUFA is responsible for negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time faculty at KSU’s eight campuses. KSUFA has two bargaining units: the FTNTT unit that represents the Full-Time Non-Tenure Track faculty and the TT unit that represents the Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty. Each bargaining unit independently negotiates its own, unique Collective Bargaining Agreement every three years. Each of these agreements encompasses a wide array of salary and benefit provisions, grievance and appeal procedures, and outlines the fundamental principles for shared governance at Kent State University at the department, school, college, and campus levels.
In addition to serving as your union, KSUFA is the Kent State University chapter of the American Association of University Professors. At the national level, the AAUP is known for its work in promoting positive academic values and shared governance, as well as protecting faculty against attacks on tenure and academic freedom. KSUFA shares those interests. AAUP’s 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure and 1966 Statement on Professional Ethics are incorporated in the Collective Bargaining Agreements of both bargaining units.
While you are not required to be a member of KSUFA to share in the benefits of collective bargaining, we hope that you will consider that option. Members provide ideas, leadership and financial support to the organization. Membership also entitles you to an active voice in determining the issues and priorities established for negotiations and to voting rights with regard to contract issues. Membership forms may be downloaded directly from the site.
We are pleased to continue our tradition of service to faculty, and we hope to hear from you with your comments, concerns and suggestions for the future of the Association. Feel free to contact us – we look forward to hearing from you soon!
Deborah C. Smith Chapter President, TT Unit |
Sue Clement President, FT NTT Unit |