Despite its former name (AAUP-KSU), the Kent State faculty union is not a chapter of AAUP in the way in which that notion is commonly understood. Our union is an independent entity that voluntarily affiliates with AAUP rather than a dependent, local unit that owes its very existence to AAUP. From time to time over our history, the leadership of Kent State’s faculty union has questioned whether continuing the affiliation with AAUP is in the best interest of our union. We once again find ourselves in such a time. The discussion we need to have as a union about the possibility of disaffiliation is a complex one—too complex to cover in a single communication. Below is a series of communications sent to faculty taking a deeper dive into the question facing us.

FAQs Concerning Potential Disaffiliation from AAUP

AAUP’s Statement on Affiliation (Received February 5, 2025)

Vol. 0: Our Kent State Faculty Union and AAUP (email sent April 22, 2024)

Vol. 1: A deep dive into the history and circumstances leading to our disaffiliation discussions (email sent September 27, 2024)

Vol. 2: The pros and cons of remaining affiliated with AAUP and becoming compliant with our affiliation dues (email sent October 2, 2024)

Vol. 3: The pros and cons of disaffiliating from AAUP (email sent October 11, 2024)

Vol. 4: Next steps, timelines, and processes (email sent October 30, 2024)

Vol. 5: Introducing the Kent State United Faculty Association (email sent December 2, 2024)